If you give a crafter a cookie, she'll want some craft supplies to play with while she's eating it. Then she'll want a
camera to get a pic of her project, then she'll want to post it to her blog and link it up to some challenges,too.
She'll be thirsty doing all this so she'll want some milk and,oh, while you're at it, get her another cookie too,please!!
To ALL entrants, I want to let you know that I DO comment on all entries (with the exception of Splitcoast and Flickr) so if you don't see a comment from me, please check to see if there are any comments awaiting moderation or in SPAM. A lot of comments are in SPAM and bloggers don't realize it.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Top Cookie for Challenge #153

Oh my! I'm missing this challenge already!!! I may be back sooner than later :)

The Top Cookies for Challenge #153 are

 #10 Alicia O' Bryant


#12 Linda Mc Enery

Congrats! Grab your badge and display it proudly!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! So many gorgeous projects!!! 

See you in the new year!!! I'm taking a wee break for a couple of months!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Cookie Challenge #153 and Top Cookie for Challenge #152

 Here's the new cookie pic for the next two weeks. Sadly, I am announcing that I will be taking a break from posting cookie challenges for a few months. I'll probably be back early in the new year. It's only temporary, so you will see me back again in a while!
I promise!

(click on the photo to go to the Pinterest page where this was found)

Remember, you can choose the colors, patterns, and/or topic as inspiration!

Here are the team creations!

Thanks team for your dedication and creations!

Here is the Top Cookie for Challenge #152!

#24 Kylie

#27 Esther

Congrats! Grab your badge and display it proudly!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! So many gorgeous projects!!! 

Can't wait to see everyone's creations for the new challenge!

~Use the picture as inspiration!
~You can create ANYTHING your heart desires, as long as it's clear how you were inspired by the Pinterest cookies picture!
~Please link up your creation to as many challenges as you wish! The more the merrier!!!
~You can enter up to 5 times.
~And NO back-linking!

~PLEASE NOTE-This is NOT an ANYTHING GOES challenge (except for a couple times a year) When it is ANYTHING GOES, it will be clearly stated.

This challenge runs for 2 weeks. (Oct.15th-28th)

*Just in case the linky doesn't work, please add a link to the comments section.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Cookie Challenge #152 and Top Cookie for Challenge #151

Happy October!!! Here's the cookie challenge for the next 2 weeks!

(click on the photo to go to the Pinterest page where this was found)

Remember, you can choose the colors, patterns, and/or topic as inspiration!

Here are the team creations!



Thanks so much team!!!

Here is the Top Cookie for Challenge #151!

#2 Sidelle Menon

Congrats! Grab your badge and display it proudly!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! So many gorgeous projects!!! 

Can't wait to see everyone's creations for the new challenge!

~Use the picture as inspiration!
~You can create ANYTHING your heart desires, as long as it's clear how you were inspired by the Pinterest cookies picture!
~Please link up your creation to as many challenges as you wish! The more the merrier!!!
~You can enter up to 5 times.
~And NO back-linking!

~PLEASE NOTE-This is NOT an ANYTHING GOES challenge (except for a couple times a year) When it is ANYTHING GOES, it will be clearly stated.

This challenge runs for 2 weeks. (Oct.1st-14th)

*Just in case the linky doesn't work, please add a link to the comments section.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Cookie Challenge #151 and Top Cookie for Challenge #150

 Here is the cookie challenge picture for the next 2 weeks!
Very colorful and lots of shapes there, too!

(click on the photo to go to the Pinterest page where this was found)

Remember, you can choose the colors, patterns, and/or topic as inspiration!

Here are the team creations!


Thanks so much team!!!

Here is the Top Cookie for Challenge #150!

#5 Lisa Blastick

Congrats! Grab your badge and display it proudly!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! So many gorgeous projects!!! I wanted to choose them ALL!!!!!!

Can't wait to see everyone's creations for the new challenge!

~Use the picture as inspiration!
~You can create ANYTHING your heart desires, as long as it's clear how you were inspired by the Pinterest cookies picture!
~Please link up your creation to as many challenges as you wish! The more the merrier!!!
~You can enter up to 5 times.
~And NO back-linking!

~PLEASE NOTE-This is NOT an ANYTHING GOES challenge (except for a couple times a year) When it is ANYTHING GOES, it will be clearly stated.

This challenge runs for 2 weeks. (Sept 17-30)

*Just in case the linky doesn't work, please add a link to the comments section.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Cookie Challenge #150 and Top Cookie for Challenge #149

Happy September!!
This is our 6th anniversary this month! It's amazing! We've been doing cookie challenges for 6 years!

It's that time of the year when children of all ages and teachers go back to school!
For sure, this is a different school year due to the virus. So I'm hoping everyone is making the best of things!

Here is the cookie picture for the next 2 weeks.

(click on the photo to go to the Pinterest page where this was found)

Remember, you can choose the colors, patterns, and/or topic as inspiration!

Here are the team creations!


Thanks so much team!!!

Here is the Top Cookie for Challenge #149!
I'm Top Cookie at If You Give a Crafter a Cookie

All three are Top Cookies!!!



Congrats! Grab your badge and display it proudly!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! So many gorgeous projects!!! I wanted to choose them ALL!!!!!!

Can't wait to see everyone's creations for the new challenge!

~Use the picture as inspiration!
~You can create ANYTHING your heart desires, as long as it's clear how you were inspired by the Pinterest cookies picture!
~Please link up your creation to as many challenges as you wish! The more the merrier!!!
~You can enter up to 5 times.
~And NO back-linking!

~PLEASE NOTE-This is NOT an ANYTHING GOES challenge (except for a couple times a year) When it is ANYTHING GOES, it will be clearly stated.

This challenge runs for 2 weeks. (Sept 3-16)

*Just in case the linky doesn't work, please add a link to the comments section.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Cookie Challenge #149 and Top Cookie for Challenge #148

Welcome to our new challenge! It's super SWEET!!!
(click on the photo to go to the Pinterest page where this was found)

Remember, you can choose the colors, patterns, and/or topic as inspiration!

Here are the team creations!

*taking a break

Thanks so much team!!!

Here is the Top Cookie for Challenge #148!
I'm Top Cookie at If You Give a Crafter a Cookie

#3 Libeeti Frenkel

#11 Lilian/TheLeafStudio

Congrats! Grab your badge and display it proudly!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! So many gorgeous projects!!! I wanted to choose them ALL!!!!!!

Can't wait to see everyone's creations for the new challenge!

~Use the picture as inspiration!
~You can create ANYTHING your heart desires, as long as it's clear how you were inspired by the Pinterest cookies picture!
~Please link up your creation to as many challenges as you wish! The more the merrier!!!
~You can enter up to 5 times.
~And NO back-linking!

~PLEASE NOTE-This is NOT an ANYTHING GOES challenge (except for a couple times a year) When it is ANYTHING GOES, it will be clearly stated.

This challenge runs for 2 weeks. (Aug 20-Sept 2)

*Just in case the linky doesn't work, please add a link to the comments section.